Welcome to the newest incarnation of Dave & Stacy's SMS Rallysport site. As many of you are aware of by now, the old site is long gone and we really haven't been doing much racing for the past few years. We have decided to take some time off to enjoy some of our other favorite pursuits including: aviation, hiking/camping/climbing, LEGO, and travel. We may return to the racing circuit at some point or we may not. It reallys depends on how we are feeling and whether we feel it makes sense for us financially. If we do return, it will be in a new car. This means that the Omni may be for sale soon. In addition, it is too much of a pain to change the domain name right now...so we're just sticking with smsrallysport.com for the time being.

Aside from that, the homepage will now serve as a portal to other pages and links chronicling our other interests. You can use the links at the left to jump around and check out all the stuff we are in to. To keep up on the latest news, be sure to head over to our Online Journal to catch up on the happenings.

Thanks for stopping by and remember...never stop exploring.

-Dave & Stacy

Dave & Stacy

· Our 1957 Piper Tri-Pacer
· Our Little Online Journal
· Our Flickr Photostream
· Dave's MOCPages Page
· Stacy's MOCPages Page
· ToT-LUG Brickshelf Gallery
· Links to Cool Stuff

Stuff We Like or Support